ChurchSuite information

We have been trying to find a solution to storing information more effectively and securely, and communicating more efficiently.  From January 2019 we will be using ChurchSuite.  That’s just the brand name for the leading database in the UK specifically developed to support the administration of church functions – electoral roll, contact lists for individuals, home groups, administrative groups such as PCC, kids and youth groups, rotas, calendar and much more.

ChurchSuite holds all the information in one place securely and provides an efficient way of communicating without the need to maintain multiple systems and multiple email address lists. For some months now we have been uploading the data we hold in a variety of places, starting with the electoral roll, making sure at each stage that the data is accurate. We are now at the point where we can provide a variety of reports which the Church of England requires on our many activities in Christ Church, saving much time and energy.

ChurchSuite is also a great communication tool and PCC has agreed that it will be the primary emailing tool by which we send out information to groups and rotas.  Individuals can have access to part of the system through something called MyChurchSuite.  There church members can see the information we hold on them and set their own privacy settings.  The initial trial of the rotas function has been well received.  The latest addition is the calendar which you can see on the website. The benefits are enormous and we hope that you will bear with us as we tease out some inevitable teething troubles from time to time.

We plan to send invitations to MyChurchSuite to the rest of the congregation in May. There will be a briefing after church before then and offers of 1:1 support if needed. Please let your groups know this is coming.